2 Men's Clothing Pieces Appropriate for Casual Friday
Best Men's Clothing Pieces
Many people who work in a professional environment look forward to casual Friday. After wearing a suit all week long, it is nice to be able to dress down and be comfortable one day a week. However, it can often be difficult to decide what clothing is casual and thus, suitable for work. This guideline will go over a few pieces of men's clothing that are appropriate for casual Friday. If you need to purchase some casual clothing, check out Zobello.com Store or do Online Shopping for Men1. Jeans
You have worn dress pants all week long, so feel free to wear a nice pair of jeans on casual Friday (provided your company allows this). However, you should stay away from light colored jeans because they create too much of a casual look. Dark colored jeans are a great choice for casual Friday because they are similar in color to most dress pants. Of course, don't wear jeans that have holes or are faded to work on casual Friday. Stick to slim fitting jeans that don't have any extra bells and whistles.Regardless of the color of the shirt that you are wearing on casual Friday, a clean looking, brown belt is the perfect touch to any outfit that includes dark colored jeans.
2. Sneakers or Loafers
The shoes that you decide to wear to work on a casual Friday should be dark colored to avoid creating too much of a casual look. Plus, dark sneakers shoes go best with dark colored jeans.
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